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Σάββατο 29 Ιουνίου 2013


Syriza leads the leftwing coalition in Greece, and the opposition to the external financial occupation of the country by the states and organisations that are at present keeping it from bankruptcy.
by Baptiste Dericquebourg
Syriza, the coalition of the radical left, will hold its first conference as a unified party this month. After the elections of May and June 2012, it took leadership of the leftwing opposition to the policies of the troika (1). As a progressive political force at the threshold of power (2), Syriza now held a unique position in Europe, but its ambiguous breakthrough (a victory, but also a defeat as the New Democracy conservatives polled 2.8% more) meant that it now had to deal with a broader electoral base and seek alliances. This was urgent, because Syriza’s leaders expected the tripartite government to last only few months — by now new elections should already have been held.
Immediately after the elections, Alexis Tsipras, Syriza’s parliamentary leader, caused a stir by declaring: “Both resistance and solidarity are necessary in this time of crisis, but solidarity is more important.” This began the party’s “solidarity” line, which promoted action around the country to provide the needy with food, medicines or a roof, while Synaspismos (the Coalition of Left Movements and Ecology), one of the largest parties in the coalition, led the setting up of medicine banks.

The new strategy had several objectives. Syriza had to give its new members something to do. With a relatively older membership (especially in Synaspismos) and without a strong presence among workers, farmers or trade unions, Syriza had no real militant tradition or base. The Communist Party of Greece (Kommounistiko Komma Elladas, KKE) controls one of the three principal unions, the All-Workers Militant Front (Panergatiko Agonistiko Metopo, PAME), while the Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement (Pasok) uses the others.
“Until last spring, Syriza had never really led any concrete actions,” said a militant. “But wanting to act and knowing how to go about it are two different things.” Syriza hoped that its solidarity policy would compete favourably with the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Party, which was receiving considerable media attention for organising soup kitchens “for Greeks” and “Greek blood” collections, and that working with the many new grassroots solidarity organisations, would help it reach out to people the crisis had alienated from politics.
Cure for the crisis image
However, putting solidarity before conflict gave the party a “cure for the crisis” image, which was a long way from the radical profile that was supposed to distinguish it from Pasok. In the hope of a parliamentary majority, the party considered how to appeal to the middle class that emerged after the collapse of the Colonels’ dictatorship in 1974. A typical member would be an oldish, fairly conservative person, owning a home bought on credit, in a profession relating to tourism, the construction industry or in the civil service, and badly destabilised by the current crisis but still very attached to keeping Greece in the EU.
Because of media comments about Golden Dawn and Syriza being “extremes”, the coalition has sought to reassure people. Tsipras has publicly supported all the strike movements but has adopted a measured response to actions he considers “radical”, and has stayed clear of those by the far left and the anarchists. During the violent evacuation of the Villa Amalias squat in Athens last December and January he did not condemn the police action.
Syriza would like to keep open the possibility of an alliance with the centre-left. To date none of the polls have given the party any hope of winning on its own, so Tsipras needs allies who can make a government coalition credible. Though the Syriza coalition claims to unite “the whole left”, it is in fact isolated. The KKE refuses to talk with “opportunists” who accept EU rules and the single currency. Further to the right, the Democratic Left (Dimar), a social-democratic split from Syriza, is resolutely in favour of the EU and the euro, and joined the government that ratified the troika’s memorandum of understanding (MoU) (3). A government formed under these conditions might find itself powerless to act.
The party’s management wants to go beyond a left-right opposition by forming an anti-memorandum front that could even include the Independent Greeks, a nationalist rightwing conservative, but anti-austerity, party. Tsipras has said since March that he wants a government of national unity with Syriza and the left at its core — a majority that does not exclude the right.
A ‘Syriza of struggles’
This strategy has met with strong opposition within the coalition. Some on the left wing of the coalition were quick to denounce it as “electioneering”. They would prefer to see a “Syriza of struggles” that could broaden its electoral base by attracting to its point of view the many people who have become casualties of the crisis. As a result, a dual movement has emerged in the past few months. While the coalition has been transforming itself into a unified party, a “left wing” has been forming in opposition to what it perceives as a rightwing shift. During the coalition’s Pan-Hellenic Conference last December, which laid the foundations for a unified party, a dissident motion from the left-leaning section of Synaspismos and the International Workers’ Left (DEA) attracted 25% of the votes. It demanded the formation of a government “only of the left”, a clear stance on cancelling both the MoU and the debt, and the slogan “No sacrifices in the name of the euro”. The majority tendency up to now has been to say that “the euro does not justify allsacrifices”.
The Cyprus crisis and the publication of a study by the Progressive Party of the Working People (Anorthotiko Komma Ergazomenou Laou, AKEL), a Syriza sister party, which suggested leaving the euro in response to the troika’s demands, have further exacerbated internal criticism of a position that is favourable to the euro. It is becoming increasingly unrealistic to imagine that Germany and the European Central Bank would allow Greece the freedom to carry out Syriza’s economic policy within the Eurozone. This minority opposition will not hinder the coalition’s unification into a single party in the coming months, but it is forcing the radical left to clarify its political programme and strategy.
Any hint of doubletalk must be eradicated. The initial programme of compromise, vague in wording and objectives, left each of the member parties a relative freedom of interpretation, which has resulted in contradictory statements and left many voters disoriented. On 5 December 2012 Tsipras declared before the Greek-American Chamber of Commerce that it was necessary to annul the MoU. Four days later, the deputy for Chania (Crete), a Syriza member, explained that the objective was to achieve a “renegotiation of the loan agreements and make changes to the unilaterally led domestic economic policy”, without giving any further details (4). When on 17 April Tsipras spoke of “suspending” the MoU, he caused a furore inside and outside the coalition, which obliged him to apologise for his “slip of the tongue” and reassert his unchanged desire to “annul” it.
The same contradictions have emerged over the debt. What proportion of the total debt should be written off by an international conference? What would happen to the banks? The programme (which party leaders admit is vague, promising to come up with new, more convincing proposals) shows this ambiguity. While proclaiming a revolutionary desire to go beyond capitalism, its proposes measures tend more to a Keynesian policy of boosting the economy by providing government support to small manufacturers, farmers and artisans. It promises the nationalisation of strategically important companies but does not exclude new privatisations, while its ecological objectives are very broad and very vague.
In the past few months Tsipras has been very active in making his party better known abroad and recognised as a serious political player. While some of his trips, for instance to Argentina, were perceived at home as a sign of his being in favour of cancelling the debt, his visit to the US and his meeting with the German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble, caused concern.
Under attack
Syriza is under attack for being both too left-leaning and too right-leaning. Voters, especially the urban youth who supported Syriza last spring, are concerned that Syriza is turning into a new Pasok. The socialist party came to power in 1981 with a radical programme, but achieved hardly any of it. Today, many young victims of the crisis, hostile to “their parents’ Pasok”, are disappointed by Syriza’s restraint.
The coalition’s recent history shows the main challenges the left must face as it approaches power. The first is how to pursue a resolutely leftwing policy in a context where Greece has surrendered so much national sovereignty. Regaining that sovereignty will be difficult because of Greece’s relations with the EU and the ECB, and the limited means available to Eurozone governments for dealing with offshoring or a collapse of the banking system (5). Having asserted that Greece wants to remain in the Eurozone — because of the difficulties it would face in a forced or voluntary exit — Syriza now has to find a way of getting its policy accepted by its partners and opponents. One way could be through an international conference on the southern European debt crisis, which Tsipras has called for.
The second challenge is mobilising the Greek people, which could allow the recovery of national sovereignty. The political changes in Latin America have benefited from massive grassroots mobilisation. But would Syriza’s current strategy still have that kind of support in the event of an election victory?

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