ένα φως που δεν σβήνει ποτέ

Τρίτη 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2013


There’s a new smog hanging over Greek cities this winter: an acrid cloud of wood smoke that burns the back of the throat. Forests—always endangered—are being logged by profiteers and pensioners alike to feed the fires of thousands who can’t afford heating oil. Already high because of laws protecting Greece’s two refining companies, the price of oil has been pushed up even further by a tax hike, part of the latest wave of austerity measures mandated by Greece’s lenders. With unemployment creeping toward 30 percent (twice that among the young), many are having to choose between
heating and eating.

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ένα φως που δεν σβήνει ποτέ

ένα φως που δεν σβήνει ποτέ

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