ένα φως που δεν σβήνει ποτέ

Παρασκευή 6 Ιουλίου 2012

by Laura Flanders
A workers’ cooperative in the Goose Island area of Chicago is desperately trying to stop the liquidation of a windows and doors factory, the sale of which will scuttle their plans but benefit some well-connected investors.
Union members who put their bodies on the line not once but twice to save their windows and doors factory in Chicago found out Sunday that their former employer has broken a pledge to give workers a fair chance to buy factory equipment and plans instead to sell off machines as soon as Friday rather than let a black- and Latino-led workers’ cooperative buy and keep the plant in operation.
The workers, members of the United Electrical and Machine Workers of America Local 1110, sat in and briefly occupied their plant this February after the owner, Serious Energy of California, announced a shutdown and a plan to move jobs out of state. Many of the same workers occupied the same factory in December 2008 (when it was known as Republic Windows and Doors), becoming a cause célèbre at the height of the unemployment crisis. ανάγνωση του υπολοίπου »

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ένα φως που δεν σβήνει ποτέ

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